This is 10minutes AFTER it was spotless *sigh* |
This means hubby gets the lie in and I am not managing to take it easier on the weekend to recharge for during the week. Will just have to have a low key week. Hmmm.
When we arrive in the park I notice before the girls do that there is more than just the bouncy castle there. Honest to G-d I don't want to sound like a grump but ffs can't the park just be a park? Does it need to have bells and whistles? And costly ones at that. I make it clear to the girls that we are not here for the rides. They get it and don't nag.
Ellie wants to go to playpark first, so Maia goes with hubby to skatepark.
As if to illustrate my point from Thursday about helicopter parents, there is a man at the play park telling his daughter how to play. Since when did it become ok to tell your kids how to play?. Don't sit at the top. Put your legs that way. Go under there. Shut the fuck up and let her play and she wouldn't feel so unsure of herself. I can't stand listening to it any more and move to another bench.
Ellie is upside down on a bar. I remember fondly how I used to be able to do that. I turn myself upside down sideways whilst sitting on a bench to meet her eye to eye. She is in a funny/off mood and I want to smile at her. I suddenly feel something on my head and realise I am on the lap of the woman next to me. I thought the bench was longer than it was. I laugh a lot. She thinks I'm barmy but takes it well and kind of laughs too. Ellie is ready to go to the skate park. Thank fuck!!
Another skate park day. Another snack time skate park day. I brought some food because they hadn't eaten much all day. A hunger meltdown is always best avoided . This time, I occasionally wander about outside with the dog since hubby is also there.
I suggest a move to Ellie who looks at me like I've lost my mind. 'why dont you Skate along the top of that block. Drop your scooter to one side and jump to the other'. I have no idea how to do work up to the fancy moves that happen in skate parks but that feels like a good starting point. am I telling her how to play? Am I that dad? Hmm. I don't think so because it's a suggestion.
She tentatively tries it and is quite chuffed with her efforts. She later tries a hop thing.

Grandpa pops by to say hello and give hubby and Maia a lift home to fix the car to pick Ellie and I up. Ellie remembers she was meant to go in the pram on the way home and persuades hubby to do that instead of car. I love how she expects the bargain to be still upheld even though plans have changed!! And I love how we are able to accommodate.
I am so tired that when we get home I sit on the sofa with the girls whilst they watch an odd little cartoon with bears. I don't remember the cartoons I watched being so overt in their teaching of lessons??? Maybe it went over my head too. By the power of grey skull......
I wake up to find that for the first time EVER, I have fallen asleep on the sofa and everyone else is upstairs asleep!! No one woke me. No one cried for me or refused to go to bed without me. A Mazing!!
Meltdowns - skilfully avoided
Losing the Plot - too tired for it
Breastfeeding - lovely
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