In ye olden times in the caves and such, women who were menstruating took time out of their lives and rested and reflected and chilled. Menstruation was a sacred time. A relaxing time. A time to listen to your body and follow the ebb and flow of emotions and feelings.
The chances of this happening round here are fairly slim but as its the weekend, I get to lie in a bit longer which is blissful if not a little noisy on Sunday from the girls running around shrieking. All. The. Time. uber excited that its Mothers Day and checking if I have woken up yet.

Sunday morning rolls around. The 'quiet' lie in happens. The girls hand out their cards and eat my toblerone gift and then they decide to do a jumble sale of their toys. So, ALL their toys are brought out to inspect and decide if they are being sold. So now, the upstairs is covered in ALL their clothes, the downstairs is covered in ALL their toys and the kitchen is covered in ALL our dishes. Happy Mother's Day indeed.

We attend a family party in the evening which was really lovely, but by now, after Tidying Sunday (not Mothering Sunday), I am knackered and in pain in my back and front and just curl up on the sofa and scowl.
I'm such a joy to be around!
Meltdowns - none
Losing the Plot - just a wee one honest guv!
Breastfeeding - feels so different at this time of the month. How amazingly weird are hormones??
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