Has anyone seen the comedy program The New Normal?

So, the 'breast feeding' episode is full of mixed messages and roller coaster highs and lows. Just when I think pop culture media is finally being forward thinking and helping to normalise breast feeding, it throws in a fear based milk donor scaremongering scene and an 'I was breastfed till 4 and listen to these freakzoid stories of my childhood' scene, which were completely unlikely and preposterous. There was also the scene to suggest that some woman have an unhealthy attachment to breast feeding and basically force their kids to feed. That was just offensive.
Must say though, I loved the fabulously choreographed flash mob in an anti-breast feeding restaurant. It was bloody brilliant (if you ignored the babybjorn group aka crotchdanglers aka I-own-a-sling-to-look-cool-and-have-not-researched-it-one-iota-because-if-I-had-I-would-know-they-are-high-risk-for-mother-back-issues-and-baby-hip-dysplasia)!!!!
The breastfeeding vest was A. M. A. Z. I. N. G!!!
It's good to laugh but I think some things are too important to misrepresent.
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