
I want to be that mother who can stand up and say I am a strong confident mother and I know what is best for my children. We breastfeed and co sleep, We listen, We include, We eat chocolate and snot smoothies, we trampoline and grow frogs, we sling, we carry and we try and understand and work with our children without resorting to punishments, threats or coercion.

Friday, 30 April 2010

Magic Thinking

The problem is, My Magic Thinking....its diminishing.

The magic thinking that gets me through each money crisis
The magic thinking that gets me through each parenting crisis
The magic thinking that gets me through each relationship crisis
The magic thinking that gets me through each mother crisis

And has me believing that everything WILL just turn out OK and everything happens for a reason and it is just a phase and things will get better and that I AM that person that can cope with life.  

I call it magic thinking…I don’t know how it works and I am not sure how I came to possess it given the crap that has gone on in my life but it does….it’s magic, its unfailing belief, its trust, its all those things and more…lately though my magic thinking  has needed a kick up the arse.  

I need my magic thinking back to full strength.

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