It will mean no more stressy mornings for a while of herding everyone up, dressed and out the door with something, anything (yes tobelerone is breakfast) in their tummies which will be amazing.
It will mean no more shouting at Ellie who has recently decided not to get into her seat so when I leave the driveway, she shrieks and freaks because she is not strapped in, doesn't have her school bag and forgot her shoes (school not gym), even though she has had plenty of time.
It will mean no longer even attempting to make it to school on time. I can count on one hand the amount of times we've managed it.
I'm looking forward to all of the above not happening. I'm looking forward to having more quality time with my girls. I guess, yes, I am looking forward to the summer!!
Just let me catch up on some sleep first and maybe get a wee massage before the full on full time wonderful holidays start!
Meltdowns - frustrated due to tiredness ones
Losing the Plot - frustrated due to tiredness ones
Breastfeeding - too much for me at the moment, must be teeth
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