They want me to carry them and hold them and take care of their every single needs and love them like a baby.
"When we play babies and I'm the mother what do I have to do?"
"You just have to be a *normal* mother" says Maia
They want me to treat them how a baby is treated because....because.... probably because I was nicer to them when they were babies? I didn't ask/nag. I didn't shout (much). I didn't ask them to bring their own plate through after dinner or, G-d forbid, dress themselves. I didn't make them wait.

I knew what to do then. (Except back then I felt like I didn't.) Hold them. Love them. Feed them milk. Give them my boob. That was pretty much it for a very long time!!!

This way to connection, this way to fill their cup, it's staring me straight in the face. It's so obvious. I know that. But fuck me I'm tired! I'm resistant because I already am the mother and I'm finding it damn hard. Why would I want to play *that* as a game??!
Other times, they want me to be the popcorn lady.
Meltdowns - special kind of growing up ones
Losing the plot - trying SO very hard at moment not to
Breastfeeding - still working!
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