I need to change again. I need to get naked!!! no! Wait. Haha my autocorrect changed that to naked (I have no idea how?). I am sure I was going to say, I need to get back to how I used to be. When I was trying harder, making more of an effort, to be nicer, to be gentler and more connecteder to others but especially my kids. How do I get that back?

I mean it wasn't like I was the paragon of virtue. But I felt happier with the way I was speaking to my kids and the way we were speaking to each other. I felt more comfortable about my interactions with them and the way they were interacting with me. I was feeling less irritated by their presence and they were less annoyed with me. I don't want my children to feel unwanted. Unworthy. Unloved. Not listened to. Unhappy.
Sometimes I am Unprocessed. I need to get back on track and process my shit because I think I am passing it on to my kids. They don't need mine on top of everything else they need to process. I need to be their constant. Constant. Love. Constant rock. Constantly understood, listened to and heard. Connected.
Getting naked could be the answer ;)
Meltdowns - none. Too excited about Chanukah
Losing the plot - minor one at family gathering. All sorted.
Breastfeeding - soooooooo much. Tooth coming in.
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