
I want to be that mother who can stand up and say I am a strong confident mother and I know what is best for my children. We breastfeed and co sleep, We listen, We include, We eat chocolate and snot smoothies, we trampoline and grow frogs, we sling, we carry and we try and understand and work with our children without resorting to punishments, threats or coercion.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Original quotes flung carelessly at breastfeeding mothers

No no no, breast feeding after the age of 1 is wrong on so many levels!!!

Och, poppycock!!
Who are these late breast feeding mothers doing it for? Certainly not the kids!!
It's a problem letting go.

Children do not need breast fed for nutrition over the age of one.

It's not right to make a toddler suck on their mother's breasts. This is an age where they are beginning to identify themselves as an individual in the world and breast feeding will most certainly hold them back.

A child will be ridiculed at school for breast feeding, that's also so not fair.

prove to me that breast feeding over the age of one is good for a child as I'm really struggling here to see the long-term benefits!!!!

Ladies, you cannot possibly say that it looks right when a child climbs on their mother, lifts up their top and starts sucking their breasts.

I would be bloody scarred for life if my mother 'cooperated' (or more like 'manipulated') with me to breast feed past one!!!!!

A 6toddler, on the other hand, would probably not, given total free choice, choose to suck on their mother's breasts.

Don't know who you all are but feeding your kids the booby when they can say booby is disgusting!!!

My 8 year old son has a few friends round after school. I'm going to offer them a nutritious snack

Why do children of "breastfeeding till they're 10" believers want breast milk but children of non believers don't. I recon it's simply down to encouragement.

I am just saying that in my opinion (and you have yours!) an older child should not be breast feeding.

Breast feeding is a great thing if you can feed your child, but many women are unable to breast feed and are made to feel inadequate.

If it were the case that you couldn't feed anymore and your 3-4 year old wanted milk from the breast, what would you do? Would you have a wet nurse?

One of the issue with extending breastfeeding is the ability of the mother and the child to separate. Some say that the desire for extended breastfeeding comes from the mother's inability to let go of 'her baby'.

if someone has to breast feed a child after the age of two its for the mothers benefit not the child'

lots of mums dont breast fed at all and their children are just as fit as others and some mums are passing bad things onto the kids if they dont eat or drink heaalthy themselves

Not forcing but as i understand it bf for the mothers benefit

they like to bf after a certain age so they feel more in control more needed in some cases they depend on the child more than the other way round clinging on to a child past the baby stage almost scared to let go

 Not all mothers milk is good , ie if they smoke drink are on drugs, in this day and age there is no need to breast feed beyond toddler age even if the child would take the breast they know know different, you can still cuddle and comfort a child without feeding

I think it is a shame for a mother to cling on to her baby when it is no longer a baby.

yes i would find it disgusting to think of a 5 year old having to stop play or whatever to run back to his mums breast for food and what about poor dad does he get a look in at all

some people need to get over themselves

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