My Iphone has gone missing so I have been unable to put the following statuses/statusi/stati?? on my facebook as getting to my computer is not as simple as it sounds. You'll either be relieved or disappointed.....
Girls using iphone waaaay more than me these days
Millie is now sitting up for significant periods of time before faceplanting onto nearest object (this would be attached to a video included bar faceplanting - can get faceplanting video if so desired)
Ellie has THE smelliest ear infection ever. So much for operation to stop all that nonsense.
I can't find my pot

I did my first 'job' today. Very nervous, mainly due to briefing notes being impossibly written with awful grammar issues. I also miscalculated petrol costs on another job and went far away for no money. Girls had fun in woods whilst there though, so not all terrible. Number dyslexia again. DOH!
Baths and showers are STILL the best thing to keep the girls busy for a long time (This would be attached to a bath picture, I couldn't choose which one, so picked a load)
Millie is sucking her thumb way more than I am comfortable with. (This would be attached to this link to explain my madness)
Having your husband wash stuff you have already washed and dried is both sweet and extremely irritating all at the same time
Ellie has started telling jokes. She reads them from a book. She changes the joke to her own interpretation. Should I laugh at EVERY one or just the funny ones?
Ellie has started telling jokes. She reads them from a book. She changes the joke to her own interpretation. Should I laugh at EVERY one or just the funny ones?

Rileyboy got tics and an itchy tail and is basically bugging the hell out of me at the moment
Whenever I try to do something around the house, there girls are always within 2cm of my space turning it into a den.
Porridge smoothie ice lollies are THE best emergency breakfast there is. So are graze boxes. This would be attached to a code to get a free graze box from me! Z828XQV
I've started a book for the first time in about a year. The book is never beside me when I sit to feed Millie
I love this listing things idea I tweaked from Nucking Futs Mama, but I don't think its sustainable. I have SO much going on in my head ALL the time, it would be a never ending list (in fact I have added on at lease five since I published it1)
I bloody hope chick peas ARE healthy because I am living on houmous at the moment. Quickest, easiest thing to have for lunch and snacks
So much for wanting only natural wooden teething toys for Millie, the plastic tat is insidious.

I signed up to a blog network to try and promote my blog. As far as I can tell its just put junk mail in my inbox (grrr) and adverts on my blog (double grr).
Hearing Millie giggle now makes my day go SO much better
Does anyone want to start a housework/kids playing co-op? Sounds a bit of an oxymoron but it COULD work!
Dinner at mum's is always tasty and never as bad as hubby imagines.
Chag Sameach. Happy New Year
Meltdowns - lessening
Losing the Plot - always about the amount of housework
Breastfeeding - surely better than a thumb? *sniff*