Today my baby refused to wear or take her coat to nursery. Again.

Today my baby had a meltdown in B&Q and refused to get into the car because I wouldn't buy everything she wanted.
Today my baby went to the art galleries and drew pictures of the faces. Happy ones. Kind ones. Sad ones. Angry ones.

Today my baby sat on my knee to read a book and told me to put my phone down.
Today my baby took her medicine without a fuss. The course was finished, she wasn't even meant to!
Today my baby sat on the toilet and the potty for her pee-pee.

Today my baby brought her bag in from the car without being asked.
Today my baby carried her sister to me when she was crying and I was peeing.
Today my baby made her own sandwich after school. It only had ketchup in it. But still. And she wiped up after herself.
Today my babies let me sleep while I slept with my other baby.

Today my babies did their thing.
Today my babies seem not like babies at all....
Today my babies wouldn't go to sleep until they were cuddled up next to me
Meltdowns - none
Losing the plot - none
Breastfeeding - some
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