Its really hard to do a hypnobirthing relaxation cd with
Ellie spinning in middle of room saying 'daddy marzipan, daddy marzipan, daddy marzipan'
over and over.
Its really hard but I'll still try.
its really hard for me to not be a stresshead
pretty much everything stresses me out

which makes it really hard for me to parent in a nonstressified way
in a calm manner
in a gentle manner
in a quiet manner
in a patient manner
in a kind manner
in a loving manner
in a manner that makes me feel good about myself
and makes my children feel good about themselves
Its really hard but I keep on trying
It's really hard to know if I am working
It often feels like I should try harder
and so I do
Losing the Plot - not today (easier since they were not actually in the house!!)
Breastfeeding - not just now (but pondering tandem)
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