
I want to be that mother who can stand up and say I am a strong confident mother and I know what is best for my children. We breastfeed and co sleep, We listen, We include, We eat chocolate and snot smoothies, we trampoline and grow frogs, we sling, we carry and we try and understand and work with our children without resorting to punishments, threats or coercion.

Monday 9 December 2013

Don't let the prize become the motivator aka It's great having a prize but the prize should not be the main focus

Until you are able to do it more, it's my job to help you feel better about stuff. Until you are able to do it more, It's my job to help you stop worrying about stuff. 

So I want you to stop worrying about your schoolwork. I don't want you to stop trying, but I do want you to stop worrying about what you know and what you don't know. 

It's ok to not know stuff just now. You are only 7. There is plenty of time to learn it. You don't have to know everything. It's ok to need help to learn it. You don't need to do it by yourself. I know you wish you knew it all already. I know it frustrates and worries you that you think you don't enough. You know exactly what you need to know for this moment. 

As you get older, you'll know more and more but right now, I know worrying isn't helping you. It isn't making you feel better about stuff. It's making you feel worse. I wish I could take your worry away. 

If you always talk to me and tell me your worries, then I will help you to feel better. Always. 

I love you. Daddy loves you. Maia loves you. Millie loves you. 

And I will get you a prize whether you pass the test or not. Yes and Maia too. Don't worry. 

Meltdowns - kind of continuous with added high pitched whininess 
Losing the plot - trying so very hard not to
Breastfeeding - there has been an increased need from one and a great interest and desire from the other two!

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