Monday 2 September 2013

Proceed as Normal

Until someone tells me otherwise I am going to try and live as though everything is great. 
I'm going to pretend that raising three small children without a tribe isn't often overwhelming.
I'm going to pretend that things are going really well. 
I'm going to pretend that we are not in permanent financial crisis. 
I'm going to pretend that sending my kids to school is something I wanted for them. 
I'm going to pretend that having SS white bearing (earworm for the mind) in hubby's every thoughts or lurking in my brain isn't creating more stress.
I'm going to pretend. 
I don't like that word. Pretend. 

Lets find another one. 

I'm going to live like I'm not in pain all the time. 
I'm going to live like I don't care that the girls don't eat what I cook. 
I'm going to live like I don't care that we now rely heavily on processed food. 
I'm going to live like I don't care that I shout too much at the girls
I'm going to live like I don't care that the house is never tidy for more than an hour. 
I'm going to live like I don't care.

Hmm I'm not so sure about that phrase now....
Live like I don't care.  

I do care. I care a lot. It bothers me often. 

But for now I'm care free. That's me. Happy and care free living my life.  Yes. 

But for now I'm going to try and live as though everything is great.  
Fake it till you make it. 

Law of attraction. Come on then fucker. Activate. Begin.  Do your thing!  

Meltdowns - the fire is out, yes I know you want more fire but, there is no wood left
Losing the Plot - did I ever have it?
Breastfeeding - OMG. Teeth!


  1. {Hugz}

    Pain? Physical? I missed that... ??

    1. Yeah I have chronic back pain that flares up when I do too much and just before my period :(
