Saturday 29 December 2012

Nine months in nine months out IS brilliant

Did you just respond on my wall claiming nonsense on something you know absolutely nothing about? Life is precious and nothing more so than having a life grow inside me. Me!! I am capable of growing an amazing precious incredible life. Sustaining life is bloody hard work. A life that takes over your whole self and being. A small life that changes everything. Changes who you were and who you become. Nine months sustaining life. Nurturing and growing. Attached to me, feeding from me, experiencing, feeling and hearing through me. My whole self consumed by life. Preparing for that incredible journey to begin life outside. In the real world. So excuse me for wanting to celebrate that and the juxtaposition of the same amount of time outside of me. And the incredible fact that even though she is not inside me anymore, she is still attached to me in ways you may *never* understand. Still sustained and kept alive by me and my awesome life giving boobs of sustenance. Still experiencing life. The 'real world' and still doing that from the safe comforting secure confines of me and now my family.

(I feel I must point out that its not *exactly* nine months but I gave birth, I'm allowed poetic license. When you give birth (or have a baby with someone) then you can revel in your own unawesomeness and benign worth)


  1. "awesome life giving boobs of sustenance" =EPIC

  2. above comment was posted by a female--this is my hubs acct.
