Monday 21 January 2013

Don't you know what you are doing?

It's maddening that there are people out there potentially damaging a baby's possibility of getting the optimal biological requirement. Without even realising they are doing it.

Don't they realise that by not supporting a mothers right, RIGHT, to feed her baby whenever wherever and however, they are just another voice in society condemning a woman for following the biological norm.

Woman need to have breastfeeding normalised so they can get on with the need to feed, comfort & bond with their child. Not made to feel ridiculed, shamed and insecure so much so that they may not be able to leave the house and potentially jeopardise the breastfeeding relationship

Saturday 12 January 2013

Comfort me

I don't belong here
I don't belong anywhere

I belong here
I belong right here

Have you ever wondered?

Haven't *any* of you heard of The Continuum Concept?
Haven't *any* of you heard of instinctual parenting?
Haven't *any* of you heard your instincts?
Haven't *any* of you wondered why society is so messed up?
Haven't *any* of you wondered if it should start with our babies?

Can you hear the babies weep???